Version V8.4
Copyright © 2022 Transaction Software GmbH
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Examples
The performance of an application may be insufficient due to various reasons.
The runtime of specific queries may be poor.
Waiting times for locks may be large.
Locking overhead may be too large due to unsuitable locking granularity.
This manual addresses the issues of locking (chapter Transactions and Locks ) and query optimization (chapter Query Optimizer ). The latter does not include a guide for schema development but gives the necessary background for understanding the performance behaviour of a given query under a given schema.
A transaction is defined as a sequence of database statements which preserves data consistency and data security.
Transactions may either be committed or aborted. A COMMIT operation makes all changes of a transaction permanent, whereas an ABORT operation undoes all changes of the calling transaction.
Consider an accounting program which has to preserve the balance. A certain amount has to be added to one account and has to be subtracted from another account. This is realized as a sequence of two update statements. However, if a failure occurs between the first and the second statement, the database is in an inconsistent state and thus not correct.
By the notion of transaction, those two update actions may be concentrated in a single unit and thus are made atomic: It will be guaranteed that in case of a failure either both operations are done or none of the operations is done. Anyway, the database will be left in a consistent state. Data consistency also means that a transaction sees a consistent state of the data even in case of other concurrent transactions which even might change data which was seen by other transactions. This property is sometimes described as data security.
Since a database system should schedule concurrent transactions fully parallel, another problem might violate data consistency. Consider a transaction Tc counting the records of a table and a concurrent transaction Ti inserting records into the same table. For consistency reasons, the counting transaction has to see a database state which either reflects no inserted records or all inserted records, i.e. Tc has to be scheduled before Ti or after Ti. However, this would result in sequentialization of transactions which would degradate concurrency totally.
Instead, Transbase schedules the read and write actions of transactions so that the overall result of all transactions is the same as if they had been executed serially. This property is called serializability.
Transbase guarantees serializability by default. Serializability is also often called Consistency Level 3. Its effect is that (apart from waiting for resources and for locks) each transaction sees the database as if it ran alone on the database.
Transbase additionally offers lower consistency levels which yield higher concurrency at the expense of logical soundness. They are described later in this section.
To achieve serializability , transactions have lock objects before accessing them. Objects may be locked and unlocked either implicitly (by SQL statements) or explicitly (by LOCK / UNLOCK statements). Since locks are not always compatible with other locks, locking restricts concurrency for the sake of consistency.
The following chapters describe lock modes and lock granularities.
Transbase distinguishes three kinds of locks, namely read locks, update locks, and exclusive locks. The latter 2 lock modes both serve to update data in the database: whereas exclusive locks allow for no concurrency , update locks allow concurrency of a single write transaction and many read transactions, and read locks allow for full concurrency. Note that in nearly all other database systems no difference is made between update locks and exclusive locks, so that concurrency is more heavily restricted than in Transbase .
The compatibility of locks can be described by the following compatibility matrix, where a ''+'' means that locks are compatible and a ''-'' means that locks are not compatible on the same object.
Table 1.1. Lock Modes - Compatibility Matrix
read | update | exclusive | |
read | + | + | - |
update | + | - | - |
exclusive | - | - | - |
If a transaction requests a lock on an object which is locked by another transaction in non-compatible mode, the transaction has to wait until the other transaction frees its lock . Two problems result from waiting: First, a transaction may wait indefinitely (since the other transaction lasts very long) or, secondly, transactions wait for one another (this situation is a deadlock).
Transbase takes care of both situations: Indefinite delay is prevented by timeouts which may be specified by application programs. If a transaction runs into timeout it is not aborted, but simply returns an error flag to the application program with the meaning ''locks have not been granted within timeout period''. The application program is free to decide whether to abort the transaction or to try again (perhaps with a longer timeout interval).
Deadlocks are detected by Transbase very efficiently:
Local: As long as a transaction works only local on a single database, a graph is held where a deadlock is represented by a cycle. If a cycle is detected, the transaction which caused the cycle is aborted. Using graphs maximizes concurrency.
Global: If a transaction gets distributed over more databases, the transaction receives a dynamic timestamp whose value is derived from the graph. One can say that the timestamp contains part of the graph information in condensed form (The details of the algorithm are not described here).
Even global deadlocks are securely detected by this mechanism. However, some global situations may be treated as deadlocks that would not be considered so if one would have a global distributed graph (which would be very costly to maintain). In other words, the property of maximal concurrency is left when a transaction gets distributed .
As shown in the lock compatibility diagram, Transbase provides an update lock for write transactions and thus increases concurrency between readers and one writer on the same table. To understand the difference between update locks and exclusive locks, we have a short look at the implementation. The atomic behaviour of transactions is established by storing the state of database objects to disk before they are changed by the active transaction. The changes of the active transaction are made on a copy (sometimes called a shadow or simply a new ''version''). A subsequent COMMIT operation discards the old version and makes the new version available to others transactions, whereas an ABORT operation discards the new version and reinstalls the old version .
While a writing transaction is active, the old version can be made available to readers since the old version reflects a consistent database state (namely the state before start of the writing transaction). Thinking in terms of serializability , this means that the reading transactions have to be scheduled as if they had been executed before the writing transaction. Those reading transactions are sometimes called ''old readers''.
To guarantee serializability , Transbase records those dependencies in another graph, which is actually integrated with the wait graph described above.
To commit a writing transaction, it is necessary to wait for old readers to disappear. In terms of locks, the update lock has to be converted into an exclusive lock at COMMIT point. Note that this conversion may cause delay, but never will cause a deadlock .
The objects that are locked by Transbase are tables or pages. None of both locking strategies is superior to the other one in all ircumstances.
Properties, Pros and Cons of table locking:
Prop: All tables accessed by a transaction are locked statically at the end of the compilation phase. During the evaluation phase, there is no further locking overhead.
Pro: Scanning large parts of a table requires just one lock , not many locks on finer granularity, this results in small locking overhead .
Pro: No phantom problems occur.
Con: No or limited concurrency on one table in case of many writers or one writer and readers.
Properties, Pros and Cons of page locking:
Prop: Exactly the pages which are effectively accessed are locked (at query evaluation time).
Pro: Several updaters on a table may concurrently run if they access different parts of the table.
Con: Performance is decreased to an extent which ranges from slightly (if the query accesses few pages) until considerable (if page locks heavily accumulate).
In the following, it is described which lock granularity is chosen as default by Transbase in different situations. The application can override it by corresponding calls to the programming interface TCI.
In the interactive interface TBI the corresponding commands are
The last statement returns to the default strategy of Transbase. Assume a statement S where a table T occurs:
Transbase uses a table lock on table T in the following six cases (T1) until (T6):
(T1): T is one of the system tables.
(T2): T occurs in one of the following DDL statements: CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX, ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, SPOOL TABLE FROM <file>.
(T3): T is subject of a LOCK statement.
(T4): The database is a CD Retrieval Database.
(T5): The statement is a SELECT or DELETE or UPDATE and there is either no WHERE clause or the WHERE clause does not guarantee that at most one or (in case of a IN list with n members) n rows are hit.
(T6): The statement is a INSERT INTO T SELECT .. and there is at least one table in the SELECT expression which is table locked according to rule (T5).
In all other cases, Transbase uses page locks.
For better understanding and for complementary reasons we now informally describe the cases where Transbase sets page locks:
The following two conditions must all be fulfilled for a page lock on table T:
(PC1): T is not one of the system tables
(PC2): The statement is a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE or SPOOL INTO file SELECT ..
In addition to the above conditions, one of the following cases must hold for page lock:
(P1): The statement is a SELECT or DELETE or UPDATE statement and the search condition on T is equality or IN condition on the key (on all keys in case of compound key)
(P2): The statement is a INSERT INTO T VALUES statement or a INSERT statement with SELECT clause where condition (P1) applies.
Page locks can be used if maximal concurrency is needed - conflicts between writers or between readers and writers then can only occur if the transactions access the same page.
However, beside the pages of the primary index of a table, there are additional pages where transactions might conflict:
Pages of secondary indexes
Pages for internal keys (IK pages)
Internal keys (IK) exist in secondary indexes if the key of the primary table (single or compound key) occupies more space than a 4-byte INTEGER or if the CREATE TABLE was specified with an explicit WITH IKACCESS.
Both kinds of pages denoted above concentrate information of many records in one page and are thus more likely for conflicts than primary table pages. They tend to be hot spots for concurrency even under page locks.
Only if the table has been created WITHOUT IKACCESS or the key does not occupy more space than a INTEGER, it is guaranteed that transactions accessing records in different pages do not conflict.
Transbase supports 3 consistency levels. For short, these levels are called CONS_3, CONS_2 and CONS_1. Each transaction runs in one of the 3 consistency levels. It can be changed between any 2 transactions inside the application by corresponding calls to the programming interface TCI.
The CONS_3 level guarantees serializability of transactions by implementing so called 2-phase-locking. Before a table is accessed in read or write mode an appropriate lock is requested automatically. This lock will be held until the end of the transaction.
Recall that all locks are requested and set automatically by Transbase .
The second consistency level (CONS_2) shows no difference to CONS_3 for write operations, i.e. update locks are automatically set and held until EOT. However, read locks are held only while the query is active. With consistency level 2 it can no longer be guaranteed that repeated reads deliver the same results within the same transaction: Read reproducibility is not given.
On the other hand, consistency level 2 allows higher concurrency since read locks are released earlier. This means that a update transaction on a table T can commit while a reading transaction on T is still active (however the reading query on T must have finished already).
Even if read transactions run with CONS_2, it may happen that updaters of a table are hindered in committing by read transactions if the read transactions run very long read queries . This can be avoided by running the read transactions in the lowest consistency level 1 (CONS_1). Read queries in CONS_1 run without any locks. While a read query in CONS_1 is active, updaters of the read data may commit. It is not predictable whether the read query sees the changed data in a whole or partially or not at all.
For example, if a read query counts the number of records in a table T and an updater increases the number of records in T from 1000 to 1013 and commits before the read query has finished, the read query may produce any result between 1000 and 1013. Thus, with CONS_1, results of read queries may be inconsistent. However, CONS_1 is very useful to run lengthy statistical queries on tables without hindering the update traffic on the same tables (actually only the request ''DROP TABLE T'' of an update transaction would lead to blocking of the update transaction at commit time as long as a CONS_1 read query on T is still active).
A CONS_1 transaction also may run update queries. As far as update queries are concerned, CONS_1 behaves much like CONS_2 and CONS_1. In detail, an update query in CONS_1 sets a write lock on the updated table like CONS_2 or CONS_3 but no locks on tables which are only read by the update query. For example, one could run a long statistical read query on a table T and insert the result into a table S by the query:
If this query were run in CONS_1 mode, a write lock until end of transaction would be placed on S but no locks would be placed on T.
The characteristics of the three consistency levels are shown below in the table Consistency Levels .
Table 1.2. Consistency Levels
CONS_1 | CONS_2 | CONS_3 | |
duration of read locks | none | query | transaction |
serializability and read reproducibility | no | no | yes |
query consistency | no | yes | yes |
concurrency | highest | medium | lowest |
The consistency level can be set dynamically by an application; the default setting is CONS_3, i.e. highest consistency.
Note | |
Lock granularity and consistency level do not depend on each other. |
Instead of locking implicitly by Transbase, also explicit locking with LOCK and UNLOCK statements is possible. An application program may lock objects earlier or stronger than Transbase would do automatically. Conversely, the application might release locks earlier than Transbase would. Note that by default locks are held until the end of a transaction in order to guarantee full serializability .
Manual locking may be used e.g. to implement a hierarchical locking scheme which is guaranteed to be deadlock -free. Another reason for manual locking might be the prevention of indefinite delay at commit point, when an update lock has to be converted to an exclusive lock .
Releasing locks before the end of a transaction leads to a loss of data consistency but may increase concurrency . Releasing a read lock before the end of transaction might produce so-called non-reproducible reads. This means that repeated read accesses to the same table might produce different results, namely if an update transaction on this table has been committed meanwhile.
Note that update locks cannot be manually released.
The Transbase Relational Database System offers the TB/SQL query language for data retrieval and manipulation. TB/SQL is a superset of the ISO 9075 standardized ISO-SQL language. As SQL is a high level descriptive language, queries formulated in this language are automatically optimized by the Transbase query optimizer.
This manual describes to a far extent, how TB/SQL queries are optimized. For each query, the optimizer generates an execution plan (also called "access plan" or "operator tree") which is either stored for later execution or immediately executed. If more than one execution plan is possible, the optimizer tries to find the best one. We first describe operator trees in general in a separate section and then discuss particular operator trees for several query types.
Additionally, this manual describes how the optimizer can be influenced by query formulations as well as by explicit control mechanisms.
The optimizer uses schema information, in order to determine the most efficient operator tree. Note that Transbase has a rule-based optimizer. Thus, statistics about table and predicate cardinality usually do not influence the optimizer.
After the operator tree has been optimized, it is executed by the Transbase interpreter. Generally, the interpreter starts from the leaves of the tree and executes the tree in a piplined manner. To understand an operator tree, you should look at the leaves and follow the paths to the root. Each node denotes an operation (as label of the node) .
The operator tree itself can be inspected via the tbi interactive interface tool and via programming interfaces TCI. For example, execute the following commands in tbi:
SET PLANS ON select partno, description from inventory where description='WASHER';
The plan is stored in the file plan.txt in the current directory. Here is the content of the file:
select partno, description from inventory where description='WASHER'
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "partno" "description" --#tup: 0 (N1:restr --#tup: 0 (N2:rel { "inventory" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 0 (N3:eq { } (N4:attr { N1[2] } ) (N5:const { 'washer' char(6) } )))) (N0:sel { updatable 2 "partno" "description" } --#tup: 1 (N1:restr --#tup: 1 (N2:rel { "inventory" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 9 (N3:eq { } (N4:attr { N1[2] } ) (N5:const { 'washer' char(6) } ))))
First, the query itself is written. Then, two operator trees are shown. The first operator tree is written to the file before the query is executed (after the optimizing step). The second operator tree is written after the query has been executed. It is enriched by additional information about the actual number of records processed by each node.
Each node of the operator tree is denoted by N with a unique number. Thus, a node can be referenced by other nodes, e.g. N4 references the second field of N1. The attributes of the record are referenced by N5[1] for the first attribute. Note that the attribute positions start with 1.
The above operator tree shows that a full table scan is executed on the table inventory (node N2). The rel node represents a full table scan. It also has the specification that the records are projected onto the first 2 fields because the other fileds are not needed for the further evaluation. This full table scan returns 9 records (record counter is 9). The rel node (denoting the full table scan) is a son of the above restr node which performs the filtering according to the SQL predicate. The predicate is an equality operation (second son of the restr node) on the second field of the records.
The sel node shows the names of the result columns (attribtues) which correspond to the attribute names of the inventory table. The number of records fulfilling the restr node is 1. Thus, the query retuns 1 record (see record counter of the sel node).
The following query shows a key access:
select name, address from suppliers where suppno=54;
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "name" "address" } --#tup: 1 (N1:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(2 3) pglocks } --#tup: 1 (N2:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N3:const { 54 integer } ))))
The above operator tree contains a key access to the relation suppliers and the restriction is an equality comparison with the value 54. Note that the node ivmk denotes the key restriction for the base relation (in this case suppliers). ivmk is a node representing an interval. The property of the interval is indicated by the parameter in parantheses (in this operator tree eq, i.e., an equality comparison).
Most nodes in the operator tree have one son, but there are also nodes with more sons (e.g., a times node representing a join has always two sons, a build node can have any number of sons). The parantheses ')' identify the structure of the tree uniquely.
Some further node types are described in the following sections.
Transbase provides several types of data containers. As default, a CREATE TABLE creates a standard B-tree. Alternatively, flat tables (no direct access) might be used or also a multidimensional access tree (the so called The Hypercube Tree . Secondary indexes are either standard B-trees or Hypercube trees or bitmap indexes.
B-Trees and Hypercube Tree differ in some important aspects which will be described in a special chapter. In the following, we concentrate on standard B-Trees.
Three access methods are supported by standard B-Trees.
The sequential access method traverses records one by one and delivers the records in ascending or descending key sort order. This access method is also called a sequential scan.
The key access method has a key value as argument and traverses the B-Tree from the root to one of the leaves. As the height of a B-Tree typically is 3 or 4 and almost never more than 5, this method is very fast.
The IK access method is an optional access method strongly related to the usage of secondary index trees which are created by the CREATE INDEX statement. Each secondary index record either contains an identifer (internal key, IK) of the corresponding base record in the base table B-Tree or its main key value. Given an IK, the corresponding record can be directly accessed via an IK mapping table. The IO and CPU overhead is comparable to a key access.
Often, the key access method is combined with the sequential access method. First the tree is traversed using a given key value and then, starting with the found record if any, the tree is traversed sequentially to the end or until the key values exceed a given second key value. Here the processing time of course depends on the scanned record range on the B-Tree leaves.
The sample database used in most of the examples is depicted in the Appendix.
Note that the combination (suppno,partno) is a compound key in table quotations, the two other tables have a non-compound key.
A single table query is of the form
SELECT ti, tj, .. FROM t WHERE < P(t) >
The FROM clause contains exactly one table name t. The SELECT clause contains * or fields of t or expressions containing field names, constants or host variables. The WHERE clause if any is a boolean expression (predicate) containing field names of t or constants or host variables, this is schematically denoted by P(t).
For simplicity, during this chapter it is assumed that no subquery is in the SELECT clause or WHERE clause.
Example 2.1. Simple Query
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE suppno = 54
One possible access plan which always works is the sequential access method. Here, the B-Tree containing table t is scanned sequentially and for each record it is tested if it fulfills the predicate.
This access plan, however, is slow if the table is large. In the following we discuss under which circumstances key access methods can be applied by the optimizer.
This chapter describes in which cases the optimizer can exploit the key access method.
As notational convenience, key fields are always denoted key1, key2, etc. In a compound key, key1 denotes the highest weighted key.
The notation x1, x2 etc. stands for expressions where no field names occur. For example, x1 may be a constant, a host variable or an expression composed of constants or host variables.
As a first case, consider the following predicate scheme:
key1 = x1
Example 2.2. Single Key Predicate
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE suppno = 54
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "name" "address" } --#tup: 1 (N1:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(2 3) pglocks } --#tup: 1 (N2:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N3:const { 54 integer } ))))
The Transbase optimizer generates the key access method here. Note, additionally, that if the key is not compound then the query result has at most one record. Anyway, the matching records are found very fast even if the table is extremely large. The operator tree also shows the key access (ivmk node). The constant for the key is repesented by the node const.
Additional predicates may be connected with AND and involve other operators.
Example 2.3. Mixed Predicates
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE suppno = 54 AND name LIKE 'Smi%'
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "name" "address" } --#tup: 0 (N1:restr --#tup: 0 (N2:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(2 3) pglocks } --#tup: 1 (N3:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N4:const { 54 integer } ))) (N5:like { false } (N6:attr { N1[1] } ) (N7:const { 'Smi%' char(4) } ))))
Here the optimizer again provides for the highly performant key access via suppno, the resulting record (if any) is then tested on the additional predicate (this overhead is not measurable).
In the operator tree, there is a restr node representing the additional restriction. In this case, the AND operator of the SQL statement does not occur in the operator tree, because the primary restriction (key access) is evaluated via direct key search and the additional restriction is evaluated only for records already fulfilling the key restriction. In the above operator tree, the key restriction returns one record which does not fulfill the LIKE predicate. Thus, there is no record delivered from the restr node (record counter is 0) and no record from the sel node.
The like node is an example for the attribute reference. A like operation is performed for the first attribute of each record of node N1, denoted by N1[1].
Note that the above query comprises an AND-connection. OR-connections between different fields behave completely different, this is discussed in Chapter ''Predicates with OR''.
The predicate scheme
key1 = x1
can be generalized to
key1 = x1 OR key1 = x2
Example 2.4. Pointsets Predicate
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE suppno = 54 or suppno = 57
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "name" "address" } --#tup: 2 (N1:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(2 3) pglocks } --#tup: 2 (N2:ivuni --#tup: 2 (N3:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N4:const { 54 integer } )) (N5:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N6:const { 57 integer } )))))
This operator tree shows that there is a key access to the relation suppliers consisting of two point searches in the B-Tree. The restriction is a union of two point searches, denoted by the node ivuni. ivuni has two children (ivmk nodes with the corresponding values for the restriction).
An equivalent formulation is possible with the IN list operator:
key1 IN (x1 , x2 , x3 , ..)
Example 2.5. IN Operator
(with additional predicate)
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE suppno IN (54 , 57 , 17) AND name like 'TITAN%'
With the above query schemata, the optimizer generates an access plan which makes n key accesses (n >= 1) where n depends on the number of specified key values. The alternative query formulations with OR and with the IN list behave completely identically.
The above query schema can be considered as a specification of several points in the range of the key - it therefore is called a pointset. Also the trivial case of only one single point can be thought of as a pointset.
As only key accesses are involved, the performance of the pointset query class is also very high. Additionally, caching effects further reduce the processing time.
Note also that the result records are produced in sort order corresponding to the B-Tree key even if the key values in the IN list are not sorted. The key values are sorted at runtime before the tree access is done.
Now key intervals are considered. Intervals result from one of the following predicate schemata:
key1 > x1 key1 < x1 key1 >= x1 key1 <= x1 key1 > x1 AND key1 < x2 key1 BETWEEN x1 AND x2
Example 2.6. Key Intervals Predicate
(with additional predicate)
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE suppno BETWEEN 54 AND 57 AND name like 'TITAN%'
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "name" "address" } --#tup: 2 (N1:restr --#tup: 1 (N2:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(2 3) } --#tup: 2 (N3:ivsec --#tup: 1 (N4:ivmk { ge } --#tup: 1 (N5:const { 54 integer } )) (N6:ivmk { le } --#tup: 1 (N7:const { 57 integer } )))) (N8:like { false } (N9:attr { N1[1] } ) (N10:const { 'TITAN%' char(6) } ))))
In all the above schemata, a range of key values is specified, i.e. an interval. In some cases, the interval is one-sided infinite. The optimizer recognizes key intervals and generates the following access plan: one key access is performed with the left interval boundary, then a sequential scan is performed until a record is found whose key value exceeds the right interval boundary. These steps are represented in the operator tree by the nodes ivsec and the two children ivmk nodes, one with "greater or equal 54" (ge) and the other with "lower or equal 57" (le). For all records found on this scan, the predicates (if any) which are additionally specified are evaluated.
Of course, the evaluation time of such a query depends on the size of the key range, but the important fact is that full advantage of the key access method is taken also in this kind of query.
If more than one interval is specified and connected via OR or AND operators, the optimal key access is still done by the optimizer:
Example 2.7. Mixed Key and Key Interval Predicate
(with additional predicate)
SELECT name, address FROM suppliers WHERE (suppno < 30 OR suppno BETWEEN 54 AND 57 OR suppno > 113) AND name like 'TITAN%'
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "name" "address" } --#tup: 1 (N1:restr --#tup: 1 (N2:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(2 3) } --#tup: 2 (N3:ivuni --#tup: 3 (N4:ivuni --#tup: 2 (N5:ivmk { lt } --#tup: 1 (N6:const { 30 integer } )) (N7:ivsec --#tup: 1 (N8:ivmk { ge } --#tup: 1 (N9:const { 54 integer } )) (N10:ivmk { le } --#tup: 1 (N11:const { 57 integer } )))) (N12:ivmk { gt } --#tup: 1 (N13:const { 113 integer } )))) (N14:like { false } (N15:attr { N1[1] } ) (N16:const { 'TITAN%' char(6) } ))))
Here three intervals are specified. The optimizer generates an access plan which three times performs a key access (first is trivial) followed by a scan until the right intervall boundary.
Note also that the result records again arrive in ascending key order independent of the interval order in the query. This means that the intervals are sorted at runtime and also merged if they happen to overlap. For example, if the left boundary of the third interval happens to lie inside the second interval then the last two intervals in effect are treated as one interval with extended boundary.
Combinations of points, pointsets and intervals work equally, i.e. a point is simply treated as a degenerated case of an interval.
The formulation key1 = x1 is the most usual one but it is also possible and harmless to specify one of the following:
x1 = key1 key1 + x1 = x2 key1 - x1 = x2
Additions and subtractions are harmless as long as key1 only appears once in the whole expression. However, multiplications and divisions as well as multiple occurrences of the key field hinder the key access optimization and thus possibly cause poor performance.
key1 + 10 > 2 * key1 -- not optimized ! key1 * x1 = x2 -- not optimized !
Very often, a table has been specified with more than one key component, e.g. the table quotations in the sample database. Such a key is called a compound key. Compound keys often are very useful and even necessary to avoid an artificial and space consuming additional unique key such as serial number.
However, the optimization and key access techniques are slightly more complicated to understand. A very good and helpful example is the telephone directory which also has a compound key consisting of last name (highest key) and first name (lower key). Even the remaining components (address etc.) participate in the compound key but last and first name are sufficient to understand the search techniques.
Assume a compound key with 2 dimensions whose components are named key1 and key2. For example, in table quotations, suppno and partno constitute such a compound key.
All predicate schemata discussed so far (the notation key1 refers to the highest key now) are optimized as in the non-compound case. The only possible difference in the behaviour of the query is the result cardinality: If a single key value is specified (key1 = x1) then in the non-compound case at most one record hits, but in the compound case many records might hit.
One sees that in the compound case already the simplest key specification (namely a point specification like: key1 = x1 ) in effect describes an interval on the records in the leaves. Thus, the evaluation technique here is again that of an interval: one key access followed by a scan until a record is seen whose first key is greater than the specified key value.
Compare this with a search in the telephone book for last name = 'Smith'. The search for the first hit is perfectly fast, the overall time, however, depends on the number of hits.
Now assume that the predicate refers to more than one key component, e.g. the predicate scheme
key1 = x1 AND key2 = x2
Here the optimizer also generates a perfectly fast access plan, namely a key access with both key values followed by a B-Tree scan until the first record is seen whose key values are different from the specified one (in the 2-dimensional case the scan becomes trivial).
This is comparable to a search for ''Smith'', ''David'' in the phone book.
Remember that a pointset is an OR connection of several values referring to the same key field. Most often this is implicitly specified by a IN formulation such as:
key1 IN (x1, x2, ...).
Pointsets over compound keys have the following shape:
key1 IN (x11, x12, ... x1n) AND key2 IN (x21, x22, ... x2m)
This query scheme is also optimized to multiple key accesses. Semantically, this is a search for n*m key combinations. The query is executed as n*m key accesses each followed by a corresponding table scan.
Intervals on compound keys are more complicated to understand. Consider the 2-dimensional interval
key1 BETWEEN x11 AND x12 AND key2 BETWEEN x21 AND x22
With B-Trees, in this query scheme, the optimizer generates a key access which refers to key1 only!
This means that all records are scanned where key1 is between x11 and x12. The additional condition about key2 will only be tested on the scanned records but cannot be integrated into the key access.
The effect is that the number of scanned records is possibly much larger than the number of hits. Compare this with the search in the phone book for all entries where the last name is between ''Mason'' and ''Moore'' and the first name is between ''James'' and ''Jim''. The first entry with ''Mason'' can directly be accessed but all names between ''Mason'' and ''Moore'' have to be scanned to find the hits, i.e. it is unfeasible to directly find the first ''James'' whose first name is bigger than ''Mason'' because the next occurring last name after ''Mason'' is not known.
Intervals on more than one key component thus are not optimally supported by B-Trees. However, this is exactly the access pattern for which the so called The Hypercube Tree is made for.
Note that if the predicate specifies a pointset on the highest key and an interval on the second key, then B-Trees work perfectly.
key1 IN (x11, x12, ..x1n) AND key2 BETWEEN x21 AND x22
Here a key access on the compound key (x11, x21) is generated and the record scan runs until (x11, x22). Then a key access with (x12, x21) and a record scan until (x12, x22) follows, etc. In summary we have n direct key accesses each followed by a record scan. Only those records which finally fulfill the key condition are scanned.
Of course, also the scheme
key1 = x11 AND key2 BETWEEN x21 AND x22
is perfectly optimized on B-Trees because it is a special case of the above.
For the interested reader, the general case remains to be described. Assume a predicate which refers to the n highest components key1 to keyn of a compound key. Schematically, it is :
P1(key1) AND P2(key2) AND ... AND Pn(keyn)
Assume that the j-1 first predicate parts are pointsets and Pj is an interval. The optimizer can generate key accesses such that P1 to Pj are evaluated via appropriate key accesses. All remaining predicates Pj+1 to Pn must be evaluated separately, i.e. some records are filtered out and more records than finally hit are scanned.
If a predicate refers to key1 and to key3 for a compound key (with at least 3 components) then, of course, the key3 part cannot be used for key access.
If a predicate does not refer to the highest key component, then no key access at all is possible (however see The Hypercube Tree ).
Care must be taken if some predicate parts are connected by the OR operator. This is discussed in the next chapter.
In the many examples given so far, it has often be demonstrated that key access optimization is not affected by additional predicate parts which are connected with AND.
Care must be taken if some predicate parts are connected by the OR operator.
Example 2.8. OR Operator
key1 = x1 OR field = x2
Since field is a nonkey field, no key access is possible because there may be records with field = x2 but key1 <> x1 which would not be found if a key access with x1 were performed.
However, as discussed, in the schema
key1 = x1 OR key1 = x2
a sequence of key accesses is possible because both predicate parts refer to the key.
In more complex examples, like
(key1 = x1 AND field = x2) OR (key1 = x3 AND field = x4)
it is not evident at first sight that key access is still possible. Transbase derives the search condition
(key1 = x1 OR key1 = x3)
for the key. Details are left to the reader.
Transbase also applies these algorithm for each of the given secondary indexes to check if key access is applicable via the secondary indexes. This is described in chapter Secondary Indexes .
The SQL predicates LIKE and MATCHES can be optimized in some important cases. Consider the schemata
key1 LIKE 'a%z'
key1 MATCHES 'a.*z'
Both formulations are semantically equivalent. The pattern here consists of a non-empty prefix ''a'' followed by a wildcard. Note that ''a'' here stands for any non-empty string, i.e. we consider patterns like 'data%' or 'Y%' or 'sys%min' but not '%ystem'.
If key1 is again the highest key of a B-Tree (primary index or also secondary index, see the following chapters) then the above pattern evaluation is optimized by an additional key access and restricted record scan. The key value is taken from the prefix of the pattern (i.e. ''data'' in case of pattern ''data%'') and the record scan is finished if the first record is seen whose key1 value does not start with ''data''.
By this technique, the number of scanned records can be dramatically decreased if the pattern prefix is selective.
Secondary indexes can be created on fields or field combinations. A secondary index by default is a B-Tree the key of which is the field or field combination specified in the CREATE INDEX statement. In addition to the field value(s) each secondary index record either contains the primary key value of the base record or an internal key value (IK).
Given an IK found in a secondary index, the corresponding base record in the main table record can directly be accessed via a IK mapping table which can be thought of as part of the primary B-Tree. The I/O and CPU overhead is comparable to a key access.
Let the table quotations be as depicted in the Appendix. Assume a secondary index be created as
CREATE INDEX quot_qon_price ON quotations(qonorder, price)
In the table, the layout of records of that secondary index is depicted.
Table 2.1. Secondary Index: quotations(qonorder, price)
quot_qon_price | ||
qonorder | price | IK |
0 | 0.05 | 14 |
0 | 0.08 | 5 |
0 | 0.10 | 2 |
0 | 0.20 | 12 |
0 | 0.25 | 3 |
0 | 18.00 | 6 |
0 | 21.00 | 10 |
7 | 19.50 | 16 |
20 | 29.00 | 15 |
24 | 8.50 | 11 |
50 | 0.30 | 1 |
150 | 0.10 | 7 |
200 | 0.02 | 9 |
200 | 0.04 | 8 |
200 | 0.10 | 4 |
200 | 0.20 | 13 |
For simplicity, it is assumed here that the IK value is identical to the position of the record in the primary index (in reality, this does not hold but is irrelevant).
Note that the (compound) key of the secondary index is (qonorder, price) such that the records are in another order than the corresponding records in the primary index.
All that has been discussed up to now about key access is also valid for secondary indexes. The terms ''key'', ''highest key'', ''compound key'' etc. directly apply to the keys of secondary indexes.
For example, ''qonorder'' is (the highest) key in secondary index quot_qon_price and the key of quot_qon_price is compound - even the IK field is part of the key but this is irrelevant to the user because he or she never searches for that field).
Example 2.9. Predicates on Secondary Index Attributes
SELECT * FROM quotations WHERE qonorder IN (24, 200)
Without the secondary index, this query would have to scan the entire quotations table. The IN predicate is postfiltered on all records delivered from the full table scan.
(N0:sel { updatable 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" } --#tup: 5 (N1:restr --#tup: 5 (N2:rel { "quotations" proj 5(1 2 3 4 5) } --#tup: 16 ) (N3:inls (N4:attr { N1[5] } ) (N5:const { 24 integer } ) (N6:const { 200 integer } ))))
With the secondary index, the optimizer generates an access plan which does 2 key accesses each followed by a scan on the secondary index (see the index node in the following operator tree). The query result consists of 5 records.
(N0:sel { updatable 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" } --#tup: 5 (N1:mat { "quotations" } --#tup: 5 (N2:index { "quot_qon_price" proj 1(3) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 5 (N3:ivuni --#tup: 2 (N4:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N5:const { 24 integer } )) (N6:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N7:const { 200 integer } ))))))
For interval predicates (>, <, BETWEEN, etc.) key accesses are generated as in the primary index case.
From the discussion of B-Trees as primary indexes it now should also be clear that the following example can perfectly be processed with the compound secondary index on (qonorder, price):
Example 2.10. Predicates on Compound Secondary Index Attributes
SELECT * FROM quotations WHERE qonorder = 0 AND price > 1.50
There is an important difference between the usage of primary and secondary indexes. In the latter case the query evaluation plan additionally must access the primary index via the IK value after a matching record is found in the secondary index (see the node mat in the previous operator tree). This is necessary if the query result needs record fields which are not in the secondary index (e.g. as in example Predicates on Secondary Index Attributes , but see also chapter Suppressing the Record Materialization ).
Fetching a record via the IK value is called record materialization (TM). One TM is roughly as expensive as one key access. If the TM is necessary for each result record, then for large results the secondary indexes are slower than the primary index, perhaps even slower than a complete sequential scan of the primary index.
In some cases, the primary index as well as a secondary index would be suitable for key access.
Example 2.11. Mixed Predicates on Primary and Secondary Index Attributes
SELECT * FROM quotations WHERE suppno = 54 AND qonorder = 200 AND price > 1.50
Two optimized evaluation plans are possible here:
Key access via the primary key (suppno=54) and testing the remaining condition (qonorder=200 AND price > 1.50) for the resulting 4 records,
Key access via the secondary index (qonorder=200 AND price > 1.50) and testing the remaining condition (suppno=54) for the resulting records (after record materialization).
The primary index is always chosen if all its keys are specified whereby the n-1 highest keys are specified with Pointsets (see Pointsets and Intervals on Compound Keys (B-Trees) ).
In our example the primary key has only one key attribute and the equity predicate ensures that at most one record is returned. Thus the optimizer chooses the primary key access.
It may happen that a query exhibits very poor performance because the optimizer chooses a secondary index which produces very many records which must all be materialized. The query can be reformulated such that a certain index is not used by the query evaluation plan.
The method is to connect a trivial predicate which always yields FALSE (e.g. 1 = 0) with an OR operator to the predicate part which refers to the undesired index.
This also works for the primary index. For example, in example Predicates on Compound Secondary Index Attributes , if the primary index shall not be used but the secondary index instead, one formulates:
Example 2.12. Predicate Reformulation to Override the Optimizer's Choice
SELECT * FROM quotations WHERE (suppno = 54 OR 1 = 0 ) AND qonorder = 200
Note the additional parentheses which are absolutely necessary.
Without the phrase OR 1 = 0. , the following operator tree would be generated:
(N0:sel { updatable 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" } --#tup: 2 (N1:restr --#tup: 2 (N2:rel { "quotations" proj 5(1 2 3 4 5) } --#tup: 4 (N3:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N4:const { 54 integer } ))) (N5:eq { } (N6:attr { N1[5] } ) (N7:const { 200 integer } ))))
With the OR 1 = 0 phrase as denoted above, the following operator tree using the secondary index would be used:
(N0:sel { updatable 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" } --#tup: 2 (N1:restr --#tup: 2 (N2:mat { "quotations" } --#tup: 4 (N3:index { "quot_qon_price" proj 1(3) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 4 (N4:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N5:const { 200 integer } )))) (N6:or (N7:eq { } (N8:attr { N1[1] } ) (N9:const { 54 integer } )) (N10:eq { } (N11:const { 1 integer } ) (N12:const { 0 integer } )))))
Here we assume the existence of several secondary indexes on one table for example index quot_qon_price(qonorder, price) as before and additionally index quot_partno on field partno.
Example 2.13. Multiple Secondary Indexes
SELECT * FROM quotations WHERE partno = 221 AND qonorder = 200 AND price > 0.5
Both secondary indexes are candidates for processing. The optimizer need not make a choice but creates a query plan where both indexes are used followed by a intersection (based on IK or main key values) of the 2 partial results. This also generalizes on an arbitrary number of secondary indexes.
(N0:sel { updatable 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" } --#tup: 0 (N1:mat { "quotations" } --#tup: 0 (N2:intersect { } --#tup: 0 (N3:index { "quot_partno" proj 1(2) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 1 (N4:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N5:const { 221 integer } )) (N6:index { "quot_qon_price" proj 1(3) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 0 (N7:times { } --#tup: 1 (N8:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N9:const { 200 integer } )) (N10:ivmk { gt } --#tup: 1 (N11:const { 0.5 numeric(1,1) } ))))))))
Note that the times node again stands for the combination of predicates (ANDing) used for the key access to the corresponding index. After the index merge (index intersection) step, the records must be materialized as shown earlier.
Note that there are different combinations for index intersection. However, the basic pattern is similar to the operator tree above and can be recognized when analyzing operation trees.
Whenever secondary indexes are used, the optimizer additionally checks whether it is necessary to access the primary Btree. If the secondary index contains all fields needed for the remaining processing, the record materialization via IK or primary key can be suppressed.
Example 2.14. Query without Record Materialization
SELECT qonorder, price FROM quotations WHERE qonorder >= 200
(N0:sel { 2 "qonorder" "price" } --#tup: 4 (N2:index { "quot_qon_price" proj 2(1 2) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 4 (N3:ivmk { ge } --#tup: 1 (N4:const { 200 integer } )))))
In the example above, no record materialization is needed.
However, in the following example:
Example 2.15. Query with Record Materialization
SELECT suppno, price FROM quotations WHERE qonorder = 200
(N0:sel { updatable 2 "suppno" "price" } --#tup: 4 (N1:proj --#tup: 4 (N2:mat { "quotations" } --#tup: 4 (N3:index { "quot_qon_price" proj 1(3) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 4 (N4:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N5:const { 200 integer } )))) (N6:build (N7:attr { N1[1] } ) (N8:attr { N1[2] } ))))
Obviously, the record materialization is part of the operator tree (node "mat"), and is necessary because field "suppno" is not contained in the index. If the secondary index quot_qon_price had been created on (qonorder, price, suppno), then it would also be accessed via (highest) key qonorder but the record materialization could be suppressed. Of course, the price paid would be more space needed for the secondary index.
As an extreme but sometimes reasonable strategy, one could make a secondary index which contains all fields (but of course with a different key than the primary index). This would allow very efficient access via an alternative "key" without any overhead of record materialization, but of course the additional disk space is considerable.
This shows that the user's choice for secondary indexes sometimes is a difficult one because a trade off between runtime of queries and needed disk space must be taken into account. Also update overhead must be considered - this is described in chapter Overhead of Secondary Indexes in INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE .
Each secondary index may have positive effect on query response time for some query schemata but it causes overhead in disk space and update maintenance.
Each insertion or deletion of a record into the primary index triggers insertion or deletion of a record into each secondary index. For UPDATE queries, not all secondary indexes must be maintained but only those which contain a field that occurs in the SET clause of the UPDATE query. For such a updated field, one record deletion and one insertion takes place in the secondary index.
If very large updates, deletions and/or insertions have to be done on the base table, it may even be more economic to drop secondary indexes and to recreate them after the modifications have been finished.
The choice for secondary indexes will primarily be based on the required direct access. It should carefully be designed which fields to make additional members of the index to save record materialization (this is described in the preceding chapter). The additional runtime overhead in index maintenance may be neglectible, the additional space overhead may well pay off.
If an explicit sort order is specified in the query (ORDER BY clause) the optimizer checks whether the result records must be explicitly sorted according to the specified order or whether the key order of the used index(es) already fulfills the required sort order.
Example 2.16. Sort Order
SELECT suppno, partno, price, deliv_time FROM quotations WHERE deliv_time > 20 ORDER BY suppno
(N0:sel { 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" } (N1:restr --#tup: 8 (N2:rel { "quotations" proj (1 2 3 4) } ) --#tup: 16 (N3:gt { } (N4:attr { N1[4] } ) (N5:const { 20 integer } ))))
No explicit sort operation appears in the tree. The same holds for
ORDER BY suppno, partno
If we have
ORDER BY suppno desc
ORDER BY suppno desc, partno desc
the operator tree looks like
(N0:sel { 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" } --#tup: 0 (N1:restr --#tup: 8 (N2:rel { "quotations" desc proj 4(1 2 3 4) } ) --#tup: 16 (N3:gt { } (N4:attr { N1[4] } ) (N5:const { 20 integer } ))))
Note that in this operator tree, there is also no explicit sort operator, since the B-Tree can be read backwards. This is indicated by the parameter desc in the rel node N2.
Each table and each secondary index can be created as a standard B-Tree (single key or compound key) or as a Hypercube Tree.
The syntax for creation of Hypercube Trees is very similar to that of a standard B-Tree. An example for creation of a Hypercube table:
CREATE TABLE geopoints ( longitude NUMERIC(10,7) NOT NULL CHECK(longitude BETWEEN -180 AND 180), altitude NUMERIC(10,7) NOT NULL CHECK(altitude BETWEEN -90 AND 90), pointinfo INTEGER ) HCKEY IS longitude, altitude;
The clause HCKEY is the syntactic indication for a Hypercube Tree. Check constraints indicating a range for the values are mandatory for each key and, for performance reasons, should not be chosen much larger than necessary.
In contrast to the keys of a standard B-Tree, the key types for a Hypercube Tree are restricted to the arithmetic types TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, NUMERIC(p,n) and additionally DATETIME.
In many aspects, a Hypercube table behaves differently to a B-Tree table. The most striking property is the optimal support of multidimensional range queries. For example:
SELECT pointinfo FROM geopoints WHERE longitude BETWEEN 81.500 AND 89.523 AND altitude BETWEEN 50.123 AND 53.12
(N0:sel { updatable 1 "pointinfo" } (N1:rel { "geopoints" proj 1(3) } (N2:times { } (N3:ivsec (N4:ivmk { ge } (N5:const { 81.500 numeric(5,3) } )) (N6:ivmk { le } (N7:const { 89.523 numeric(5,3) } ))) (N8:ivsec (N9:ivmk { ge } (N10:const { 50.123 numeric(5,3) } )) (N11:ivmk { le } (N12:const { 53.12 numeric(4,2) } ))))))
This query specifies a 2-dimensional query (querybox) or a 2 dimensional subcube of the data space. A standard B-Tree with compound key on (longitude,altitude) only can use the interval on longitude for efficient restriction of I/O for the result records whereas the condition on altitide must be postfiltered. This means that very many records not lying in the result are fetched from disk.
The Hypercube table, however, uses a multidimensional clustering and thus arranges disk blocks in a way that guarantees a very high average percentage of hits per disk block for most multidimensional interval queries.
The operator tree for that query shows the interval generation for the multidimensional query box for both dimensions. This two dimensional query box is used for the key access to the Hypercube table GEOPOINTS. Note that the intervals can be specified via much more complex operations (e.g., joins with other tables, sub queries etc.). This is the typical case for data warehouses.
With a standard B-Tree, the number of specified keys is not a very critical performance parameter (as opposed to the order of keys). For example if (key1, key2) are specified as keys, then one could also choose (key1, key2, key3) as key and the performance would remain unchanged.
In contrast, a Hypercube Tree needs a careful decision for the number of keys (but NOT for the order of keys). The reason is that the performance mainly depends on the ratio of searched keys to Hypercube keys.
For example, a Hypercube table with 3 keys is searched by queries Q1, Q2, Q3 where each Qi searches i of the 3 keys, for i = 1, 2, 3. Then Q1, Q2, Q3 will tend to exhibit increasing performance in this order. Performance here means number of result records per time unit.
The reasonable upper limit of number of Hypercube keys depends on the table size but in any case is about 5 or 6.
In contrast to a standard B-Tree, the ordering of keys of a Hypercube table is not relevant. The index structure is symmetrical. For some applications, one single Hypercube table thus can replace several secondary B-Tree indexes on a B-Tree table.
None of the two index structures B-Tree and Hypercube Tree is superior to the other for all queries. The Hypercube strongly outperforms the B-Tree for multidimensional queryboxes where most of the keys are specified. With decreasing number of searched keys the performance gain decreases.
The B-Tree outperforms the Hypercube in point-interval queries which exactly match the key ordering (as descibed in section Compound Keys and Intervals (B-Trees) ).
The Hypercube index technology also can be used for secondary indexes of a table. For example:
CREATE INDEX quot_qon_price ON quotations(qonorder,price,suppno,partno) HCKEY IS qonorder,price
A 2 dimensional Hypercube index is created. This would be reasonable if queries with interval conditions on qonorder and price are frequent. In this example, it is expected that suppno and partno also are referenced very often (for example in the SELECT list). To avoid record materialization, the 2 fields suppno and partno have been arranged to be contained in the index but do not participate in the key.
As already explained, a Hypercube tree should have no fields as part of the key which typically are not searched for - therefore fields and keys can be specified separately in the Hypercube case.
It is possible to have several secondary indexes where some are of B-Tree type and others of Hypercube type. They also can be used simultaneously in one query.
This chapter describes, how joins are optimized. To give a precise description a couple of terms have to be defined first. Then the join strategy is outlined and finally some methods are discussed that allow the user to change the join generation method.
A join of two tables t and s is a query of the form
select ... from s, t where s.att1 = t.att2 and P...
The join is said to be performed over the fields att1 of s and att2 of t. P denotes a further predicate that applies to the participating tables (P of course might be missing, but in most cases additional restrictions are present). Clearly, joins can be nested, i.e. more than two tables can participate, but only two join tables are considered at the beginning of this chapter.
Most often, not all result records of a join are fetched, but additional predicates are specified whose components often refer to one of the two tables only.
Predicates of this kind are called local restrictions.
Example 2.17. Local Restrictions Schema
select ... from s, t where s.att1 = t.att2 and s.x = 17
The above example is a join over tables s and t where a local restriction on s is defined (s.x = 17).
Example 2.18. Local Restrictions
select price from suppliers s, quotations q where s.suppno = q.suppno AND = 'ATLANTIS CO.' AND q.partno = 232
(N0:sel { 1 "price" } --#tup: 1 (N1:times { proj 1(3) } --#tup: 1 (N2:restr --#tup: 1 (N3:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 7 (N4:eq { } (N5:attr { N2[2] } ) (N6:const { 'ATLANTIS CO.' char(12) } ))) (N7:rel { "quotations" proj 1(3) } --#tup: 1 (N8:times { } --#tup: 1 (N9:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N10:attr { N1[1] } )) (N11:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N12:const { 232 integer } ))))))
The predicate of this join query exhibits two local restrictions, one on each of the joined tables.
The optimizer always creates access plans where local restrictions are processed before the tables are joined. This is valid in any of the join strategies described below. The operator tree shows the evaluation of the local restrictions for both relations suppliers and quotations. In the operator tree, the join is indeicated by the times node. In this case, the join is a nested loop join.
The Sort Merge Join works as follows:
Given the join pattern:
SELECT price FROM s, t WHERE s.att1 = t.att2 AND P
the following steps are performed:
(SM1). sorting all records in s on att1 (after local restrictions on s have been applied)
(SM2). sorting all records in t on att2 (after local restrictions on t have been applied)
(SM3). merging records from sorted s and sorted t to build up the join partners.
The application of local restrictions before sorting and merging is not a characteristics of the Sort Merge Join but also applies to other join algorithms.
Of course, the sorting phase can be suppressed on either side if the table happens to be sorted on the join field. This depends on the keys, secondary indexes and local restrictions (if any) of the join partners.
(N0:sel { 1 "price" } --#tup: 1 (N1:mjoin { 1=1 proj 1(4) } --#tup: 1 (N2:proj --#tup: 1 (N3:restr --#tup: 1 (N4:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 7 (N5:eq { } (N6:attr { N3[2] } ) (N7:const { 'ATLANTIS CO.' char(12) } ))) (N8:build (N9:attr { N2[1] } ))) (N10:restr --#tup: 1 (N11:rel { "quotations" proj 3(1 2 3) } ) --#tup: 16 (N12:eq { } (N13:attr { N10[2] } ) (N14:const { 232 integer } )))))
Consider the example above. The operator tree with a sort merge join is shown here. The supplier table has a local restriction on name, but no secondary index on name.
The local restriction is therefore evaluated by a complete scan over the primary index and the records arrive sorted on the suppno which is the join field. No sorting must be applied on suppliers, instead the records can be merged ''on-the-fly''.
The table quotations also has a local restriction (on partno) but no secondary index on partno. Like for the table suppliers, the primary index is scanned and the records arrive sorted on field suppno.
Therefore, both sort operations can be avoided in this example. If, however, suppliers had a secondary index on name, then the optimizer would use it to evaluate the local restriction (name = 'ATLANTIS '). Perhaps, this would evaluate the restriction much faster than the primary index scan, but now the remaininig records would have to be sorted on suppno for the join operation.
This shows that the existence of secondary indexes also influences the performance of joins. The following operator tree uses the secondary index quot_partno(partno) and can evaluate the local restriction as index access (and following record materialization on the base table quotations). In this case, the materialized records must be sorted, because the order of the records from the index do not correspond to the join predicate.
(N0:sel { 1 "price" } --#tup: 0 (N1:mjoin { 1=1 proj 1(3) } --#tup: 0 (N2:proj --#tup: 0 (N3:restr --#tup: 0 (N4:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 0 (N5:eq { } (N6:attr { N3[2] } ) (N7:const { 'ATLANTIS CO.' char(12) } ))) (N8:build (N9:attr { N2[1] } ))) (N10:sort { +1 , } --#tup: 0 (N11:proj --#tup: 0 (N12:mat { "quotations" } --#tup: 0 (N13:proj --#tup: 0 (N14:index { "quot_partno" proj 2(2 2) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 0 (N15:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 0 (N16:const { 232 integer } ))) (N17:build (N18:attr { N13[1] } )))) (N19:build (N20:attr { N11[1] } ) (N21:attr { N11[3] } ))))))
Consider again the join
SELECT ... FROM s, t WHERE s.att1 = t.att2 AND P
In the sequel, the nested loop join method over s and t is described. It is abbreviated NL(s,t). It works as follows:
(NL1). fetch a record of s (which fulfills the local restrictions on s if there are any)
(NL2). compute its partner record(s) in t (with application of local restrictions on t if there are any)
(NLn). repeat steps (NL1) and (NL2) until no records in s remain.
The performance of this join algorithm mainly depends on 2 factors, namely the time to perform step NL2 and the number of repetitions of NL2.
The repetition count for NL2 depends on the selectivity of the local restriction on table s if there is any, otherwise on the number of records in table s. If the local restriction on s is highly selective (i.e. very few records remain) then the repetition count is small and there is a good chance that the algorithm works well.
The time to perform one incarnation of step NL2 depends on the access paths on table t. Performing step NL2 is similar to the query
SELECT .. FROM t WHERE t.att2 = x1
where the value of x1 comes from s.att1 and is fixed. Here it is assumed that no local restrictions on t were present in the original query, otherwise there would exist an additional predicate. The above query is executed according to the descriptions for single table queries in the first chapters. The main question is if there is a index (primary or secondary) on t.att2. If so, then step NL2 is fast else (for large t) it is presumably much to slow to be performed many times.
In summary, the NL(s,t) method works well if the input cardinality of table s (including local restrictions) is small and the join field of t is indexed.
It is easy to see that, unlike the Sort Merge Join, the roles of both input tables in NL(s,t) are not the same, i.e. NL(s,t) is not the same as NL(t,s). For a given query in the above scheme, NL(s,t) may work perfectly but NL(t,s) may perform very poor or vice versa.
With the Sort Merge Join, both sides behave symmetrical, so SM(s,t) and SM(t,s) perform equally and are not distinguished in the sequel.
The following query is the same as in the section before:
select price from suppliers s, quotations q where s.suppno = q.suppno AND = 'ATLANTIS CO.' AND q.partno = 232
(N0:sel { 1 "price" } --#tup: 1 (N1:times { proj 1(3) } --#tup: 1 (N2:restr --#tup: 1 (N3:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 7 (N4:eq { } (N5:attr { N2[2] } ) (N6:const { 'ATLANTIS CO.' char(12) } ))) (N7:rel { "quotations" proj 1(3) } --#tup: 1 (N8:times { } --#tup: 1 (N9:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N10:attr { N1[1] } )) (N11:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N12:const { 232 integer } ))))))
The nested loop join is specified by the times node with two children nodes. The first child (left child) is a sub tree containing so far evaluated records. These records may originate directly from a relation (rel node) or from a restriction on a relation (restr node) or any sub operator tree. The second child (right child) must provide a direct access to a B-Tree, e.g., to the base relation via direct key access (and further restrictions may be evaluated, too).
In the example above the left son is the restriction on suppliers ( = 'ATLANTIS CO.'), i.e., node N2. The right son is the relation quotations with the restriction q.partno = 232, i.e., N7.
Transbase makes the following choice between the join methods:
(J1). A nested loop join between s and t NL(s,t) is generated if the input resulting from s is small and t is indexed on the join field.
(J2). By definition, the input resulting from s is small if the query exhibits a local restriction on s or s is the result of a previous nested loop join.
(J3). In all other cases, a sort merge join SM(s,t) or SM(t,s) is generated.
Rule (J2) says that for a 3 table join, if the result of a nested loop join between s and t is joined with u and an access path on the join partner in u exists, another nested loop join is done.
(J4). If for a query, rules J1 and J2 would permit both NL(s,t) and NL(t,s), then the order of notation of the join predicate defines the order, i.e. a predicate s.att1 = t.att2 implies NL(s,t) whereas t.att2 = s.att1 implies NL(t,s). The order of the notation of the tables in the FROM clause has no effect on the join strategy.
Assume the sample database from chapter The Sample Database without any secondary indexes.
Example 2.19. Join Query
SELECT ... FROM suppliers s, quotations q WHERE s.suppno = q.suppno AND = 'XY Company' AND q.partno = 210
The optimizer generates a NL(s,q) because s has a local restriction ( = 'XY ...') and q.suppno is indexed.
If the join predicate were written as q.suppno = s.suppno, then NL(q,s) would be generated (Rule J4).
Example 2.20. NL Join Query
SELECT ... FROM suppliers s, quotations q WHERE s.suppno = q.suppno AND q.partno = 210
The optimizer generates a NL(q,s) because q has a local restriction q.partno = 210 and s.suppno is indexed.
Example 2.21. SM Join Query
SELECT * FROM quotations q, inventory i WHERE i.partno = q.partno AND i.description = 'BOLT'
(N0:sel { 8 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" "partno" "description" "qonhand" } --#tup: 0 (N1:mjoin { 2=1 } --#tup: 0 (N2:sort { +2 , } --#tup: 1 (N3:rel { "quotations" proj 5(1 2 3 4 5) } --#tup: 16 )) (N4:restr --#tup: 0 (N5:rel { "inventory" proj 3(1 2 3) } --#tup: 9 ) (N6:eq { } (N7:attr { N4[2] } ) (N8:const { 'BOLT*' char(5) } )))))
The optimizer generates a SM join because neither NL(q,i) nor NL(i,q) is permitted by J1 and J2.
If there were a secondary index on q.partno then a NL(i,q) would be applied.
(N0:sel { 8 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" "partno" "description" "qonhand" } --#tup: 0 (N1:times { proj 8(4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3) } --#tup: 0 (N2:restr --#tup: 0 (N3:rel { "inventory" proj 3(1 2 3) } --#tup: 9 ) (N4:eq { } (N5:attr { N2[2] } ) (N6:const { 'BOLT*' char(5) } ))) (N7:mat { "quotations" } --#tup: 0 (N8:index { "quot_partno" proj 1(2) user_tablename="quotations" } --#tup: 0 (N9:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 0 (N10:attr { N1[1] } ))))))
For joins where more than 2 tables are involved the notion of a join tree must be introduced and explained.
Example 2.22. Multi-Way Join
SELECT price FROM suppliers s, quotations q, inventory i WHERE s.suppno = q.suppno AND q.partno = i.partno AND = ''ATLANTIS CO.''
The following join orders are possible: either s and q are joined and the join result is joined with i, or s is joined with the join result of q and i.
The two alternative join orders are depicted in figure Two Alternative Join Orders .
Figure 2.1. Two Alternative Join Orders
The JOIN node either stands for the SM(,) or NL(,) join method.
For example Multi-Way Join above, Transbase would generate the join NL(NL(s,q),i). Figure Join Graph for NL(NL(s,q),i) shows the corresponding join graph. The operator tree for this join graph is shown in the following:
(N0:sel { 1 "price" } --#tup: 3 (N1:times { proj 1(2) } --#tup: 3 (N2:times { proj 2(3 4) } --#tup: 3 (N3:restr --#tup: 1 (N4:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(1 2) } --#tup: 7 ) (N5:eq { } (N6:attr { N3[2] } ) (N7:const { 'ATLANTIS CO.' char(12) } ))) (N8:rel { "quotations" proj 2(2 3) } --#tup: 3 (N9:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N10:attr { N2[1] } )))) (N11:rel { "inventory" proj 0() } --#tup: 3 (N12:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N13:attr { N1[1] } )))))
Figure 2.2. Join Graph for NL(NL(s,q),i)
Note that NL(s,q) is chosen according to J1 and J2 and then another NL(result,i) is chosen because according to J2 the result of the first join is again suited as left operand for a NL join.
It has to be noted that in this example the whole execution plan perfectly runs ''on-the-fly'' - this is a property of chained nested loop joins.
If table inventory were not indexed on partno (in the sample database schema, partno is the primary key) then a tree as shown in figure Operator Tree without Index would be generated.
Figure 2.3. Operator Tree without Index
The result of NL(s,q) would be ''sort-merged'' with table i. Both inputs would have to be sorted on partno before the merge can start.
Example 2.23. Multi-Way Join
SELECT price FROM suppliers s, quotations q, inventory i WHERE s.suppno = q.suppno AND q.partno = i.partno AND q.price > 1000
With the keys as defined in the sample database, the access plan would be changed as depicted in figure Operator Tree .
(N0:sel { 1 "PRICE" } --#tup: 0 (N1:times { proj 1(3) } --#tup: 0 (N2:times { proj 3(1 2 3) } --#tup: 0 (N3:restr --#tup: 0 (N4:rel { "quotations" proj 3(1 2 3) } --#tup: 16 ) (N5:gt { } (N6:attr { N3[3] } ) (N7:const { 1000 integer } ))) (N8:rel { "suppliers" proj 0() } --#tup: 0 (N9:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 0 (N10:attr { N2[1] } )))) (N11:rel { "inventory" proj 0() } --#tup: 0 (N12:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 0 (N13:attr { N1[2] } )))))
Figure 2.4. Operator Tree
If suppliers were not indexed on suppno, we would have 2 plans (considered equivalent) as shown in figure Equivalent Plans .
Figure 2.5. Equivalent Plans
Both trees are considered equivalent because SM is symmetrical.
The following rule applies for multi-way joins:
(J5). In join queries, the optimizer arranges as many NL joins as are permitted by rules (J1) to (J4). In this phase the join tree is built in the order as the join predicates are written. All remaining join predicates are then handled via SM joins.
This chapter describes how the user can influence the Transbase join strategy. For this, 2 methods are provided, namely an explicit query construct and a global optimizer switch.
The user can override the Transbase join strategy by reformulating the join predicate using the keywords NLJOIN and SMJOIN. Both keywords stand for the equality operator =. Only the join order is influenced but the query results of course remain the same.
In the following examples, it is explained what joins are generated and what joins would be generated if = were written instead.
Example 2.24. SMJOIN
adapted from example NL Join Query
SELECT ... FROM suppliers s, quotations q WHERE s.suppno SMJOIN q.suppno AND q.partno = 210
Instead of the NL(q,s) join in example NL Join Query , a SM join would be generated here. Both sorting operations would be suppressed here because suppliers arrive already sorted on suppno as well as quotations.
Example 2.25. NLJOIN
select ... from quotations q, inventory i where q.partno NLJOIN i.partno AND i.description = 'BOLT'
A NL(q,i) join would be generated here.
Example 2.26. NLJOIN
adapted from example SM Join Query
SELECT ... FROM quotations q, inventory i WHERE i.partno NLJOIN q.partno AND i.description = 'BOLT'
Instead of a SM join, a NL(i,q) join would be generated here.
The last two examples show that the NLJOIN formulation respects the order in which he join predicate is written. Note that the last example probably does not perform well because quotations is not indexed on partno. This is further discussed in chapter (Risks of Explicitly Specified Join Methods ).
Also note that a NLJOIN or SMJOIN formulation for predicates other than join predicates is not an error but just has the meaning of = (e.g. q.price NLJOIN 1000 is the same as q.price = 1000).
In multi-way join queries, the NLJOIN and SMJOIN mechanism provide the possibility to specify in detail how the join tree is built. For this, the NLJOIN and SMJOIN formulation can be freely mixed. The optimizer takes all NLJOIN and SMJOIN predicates and builds the join tree in the order in which the NLJOIN and SMJOIN predicates are written. Finally all remaining join predicates specified with = (if there remain any) are taken and the join tree is completed. In this second phase, the join strategies as described by rules (J1) to (J5) are used.
Example 2.27. Mixed NLJOIN and SMJOIN
SELECT ... FROM q, r, s, t WHERE r.f1 NLJOIN q.f1 AND s.f3 NLJOIN t.f3 AND r.f2 SMJOIN s.f2 AND << local restrictions >>
The join tree built is shown in figure Join Tree .
Figure 2.6. Join Tree
A rearrangement of the join predicate like below would lead to quite another join tree shown in figure Alternative Join Tree .
Example 2.28. Alternative Mixed NLJOIN and SMJOIN
SELECT ... FROM q, r, s, t WHERE r.f1 NLJOIN q.f1 AND r.f2 SMJOIN s.f2 AND s.f3 NLJOIN t.f3 AND << local restrictions >>
Figure 2.7. Alternative Join Tree
It has to be noted that user specified join strategies may perform almost arbitrarily poor if the user has specified a bad join strategy. Some examples:
Example 2.29. Explicitly Specified Join Methods
SELECT ... FROM quotations q, inventory i WHERE i.partno NLJOIN q.partno AND i.description = 'BOLT'
Remember the NL algorithm from Chapter ''Nested Loop Join''. Table q has its highest key on suppno. If q has no secondary index on partno then for each record i (which fulfills the local restriction on i.description) the join partners in q must be searched via a total sequential scan on q. If the local restriction is not very selective and quotations is large then the query performs very poor.
Example 2.30. Explicitly Specified Mixed Join Methods
SELECT ... FROM suppliers s, quotations q, inventory i WHERE q.partno SMJOIN i.partno AND s.suppno NLJOIN q.suppno AND << some local restrictions >>
Figure 2.8. Execution Plan
Independent of local restrictions or keys or indexes, this query is likely to perform extremely poor for large tables. The point is that the right operand of the NL join is itself a join. The right operand of NL, however, should be computable efficiently because it is recomputed for each left input record (its actual result depends on the actual left input record). The corresponding execution plan is shown in figure Execution Plan .
The following characteristics of the join methods should help to build optimal join trees:
The right operand of NL must be very efficiently computable. The cardinality of the left operand of NL must be small. The sort orders of the NL input records play no role for the efficiency of NL.
The SM method sorts the input records on the join fields. If one or both sides arrive already sorted then the sorting is suppressed. Left and right side of SM input records may be interchanged without affecting performance.
The NL method produces records whose sort order is that of its left operand. The SM method produces records which are sorted on the join fields.
The sort order of base table records (i.e. records which are not yet joined) depends on the index (primary or secondary) which is used. This is described in the chapter about Single Table Queries.
Outer Joins are handled with essentially the same algorithms than inner joins.
Especially, a LEFT OUTER Join between R and S is well done by a Nested Loop Join NL(R,S) or a Sort Merge Join.
A RIGHT OUTER Join between R and S is well done by a Nested Loop Join NL(S,R) or a Sort Merge Join.
A FULL OUTER Join is preferrably done by a Sort Merge Join.
Also, explicit control mechanisms as described in User Control of Transbase Join Strategy are applicable in the same way. The NLJOIN or SMJOIN clauses can be applied to the join predicate in the ON clause.
A multi-column join between 2 tables is a join where more than one field pair is specified.
Example 2.31. Multi-Column Joins
SELECT ... FROM s, t WHERE s.att1 = t.att2 AND s.att3 = t.att4 AND s.att5 = x1
Obviously, both conditions are treated with the same join strategy, i.e. it makes no sense to try a NL for the first condition and a SM for the second. When the Transbase optimizer searches for a NL possibility it inspects all conditions independently. For example, if t were indexed on att4 (note also the local restriction on s), then Transbase would apply a NL(s,t).
The only semantical unsoundness appears if a user specified join order explicitly by NLJOIN or SMJOIN and there is an inconsistency between multi columns, for example:
SELECT ... FROM s, t WHERE s.att1 SMJOIN t.att2 AND s.att3 NLJOIN t.att4 AND ...
As discussed, Transbase builds the join tree in the order of the join specification, i.e. starts with SM(s,t) and then would simply integrate the second join condition into the SM join even its specification contradicts the first one. In other words, Transbase ignores explicit join specifications if they refer to tree parts which have already been built but integrates them in a consistent manner.
In Transbase subqueries which deliver a value can appear in the WHERE clause or in the SELECT clause. They can be formulated wherever a value expression (field, constant, host variable) can be used. Their result is used like a value.
Example 2.32. Uncorrelated Subquery Delivering a Value
SELECT * FROM quotations WHERE suppno = (SELECT suppno FROM suppliers WHERE name = 'ATLANTIS CO.')
(N0:sel { updatable 5 "suppno" "partno" "price" "deliv_time" "qonorder" } --#tup: 3 (N1:rel { "quotations" proj 5(1 2 3 4 5) } --#tup: 3 (N2:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N3:val (N4:proj --#tup: 1 (N5:restr --#tup: 1 (N6:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(1 2) } ) --#tup: 7 (N7:eq { } (N8:attr { N5[2] } ) (N9:const { 'ATLANTIS CO.' char(12) } ))) (N10:build (N11:attr { N4[1] } )))))))
Example 2.33. Correlated Subquery Delivering a Value
SELECT suppno, (SELECT description FROM inventory i WHERE i.partno = q.partno ) FROM quotations q WHERE qonorder <> 0
(N0:sel { 2 "suppno" "column_1" } --#tup: 9 (N1:proj --#tup: 9 (N2:restr --#tup: 9 (N3:rel { "quotations" proj 3(1 2 5) } ) --#tup: 16 (N4:ne { } (N5:attr { N2[3] } ) (N6:const { 0 integer } ))) (N7:build (N8:attr { N1[1] } ) (N9:corr (N10:val (N11:rel { "inventory" proj 1(2) } --#tup: 9 (N12:ivmk { eq } --#tup: 1 (N13:attr { N1[2] } )))) (N14:attr { N1[2] } )))))
The first example shows a subquery which is uncorrelated, i.e. it delivers the same value for each of the records in quotations. Subqueries are uncorrelated if they do not contain a reference to the enclosing query blocks. As it is shown in the operator tree there is an equality predicate (ivmk { eq } followed by the val node with the sub query as sub tree.
The second example has a subquery which is correlated (it has an outer reference to quotations q, namely q.partno). For this purpose, a special node corr is used (see description below).
Uncorrelated value subqueries are optimized on their own as discussed so far in the preceeding chapters. At runtime, they are evaluated once and their result is reused as often as it is needed. The surrounding query block is optimized as if the enclosed subquery were a value.
Therefore, example Uncorrelated Subquery Delivering a Value is optimized as follows: one sequential scan on suppliers (unless there is a secondary index on 'name', allowing a direct access), the resulting suppno value is used as argument for a key access on quotations.
Correlated value subqueries are optimized at their own by treating the outer reference like a constant value. At runtime they are reevaluated as often as the value of the outer reference changes (at runtime, the last result value and the last value of the outer reference are remembered).
Therefore, example Correlated Subquery Delivering a Value is optimized as follows:
One sequential scan on quotations (unless there is a secondary index on qonorder); for each result record of quotations it is tested whether the value q.partno is the same as in the last result record; if not then the subquery on inventory is reevaluated which consists in a key access on its primary index with q.partno as key value.
Note as a side remark that the last example works very similar to a NL(q,i) join query. The difference is that a NL join evaluation plan does not remember the result of the last call of its right operand because in general this is no value but an arbitrarily large record set.
Subqueries in the WHERE clause which are connected by the operator IN or EXISTS are optimized in a special way. Semantically they form a kind of implicit join queries.
Example 2.34. IN Subquery
SELECT FROM suppliers s WHERE s.suppno IN (SELECT q.suppno FROM quotations q where qonorder <> 0)
Example 2.35. EXISTS Subquery
SELECT FROM suppliers s WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM quotations q WHERE s.suppno = q.suppno AND qonorder <> 0)
Both query schemata deliver the same result. They also are optimized in the same way. The optimizer treats the queries similar (but not quite identical) to the following join query, namely:
Example 2.36. IN/EXISTS Subquery - Optimized as JOIN
SELECT FROM suppliers s, quotations q WHERE s.suppno = q.suppno AND qonorder <> 0)
In fact, the query form of example IN/EXISTS Subquery - Optimized as JOIN would not deliver the same result: If a supplier appears more than once in the (restricted) quotations table then the query result of example IN/EXISTS Subquery - Optimized as JOIN would produce duplicates in contrast to examples IN Subquery and EXISTS Subquery .
Adding a DISTINCT clause in the SELECT clause of example IN/EXISTS Subquery - Optimized as JOIN is not a remedy because this now would eliminate possible duplicates of supplier names which appear in examples IN Subquery1 and EXISTS Subquery .
Therefore, the access plan generated from examples IN Subquery and EXISTS Subquery . eliminates duplicates on the quotations side of the join only.
The optimization of examples IN Subquery and EXISTS Subquery now is similar to that of example IN/EXISTS Subquery - Optimized as JOIN but with the difference that never a NL(s,q) schema is generated but only NL(q,s) and SM (q,s) is possible. The generation of NL(s,q) is prohibited by the elimination of duplicates on the q side - these are technical reasons which could be eliminated in future versions.
The choice between SM and NL is done like in ''normal'' join queries. In the example above, a NL(q,s) join would be made because quotations has a local restriction and suppliers is indexed on the join attribute suppno.
It is to be noted that the forms IN Subquery and EXISTS Subquery cannot be influenced by explicit join control mechanisms like NLJOIN or SMJOIN.
The operators UNION, INTERSECT, DIFF combine query blocks delivering records of the same arity and types. They all are evaluated by sorting the input records on both sides on all fields (in ascending order and ascending weights on position) and then by a merge algorithm. If one or both sides happen to be already sorted then the optimizer recognizes that the sort operation(s) can be suppressed. The optimization and complexity of the UNION, INTERSECT and DIFF operator therefore are quite similar to that of a SM join.
Example 2.37. DIFF Operator
SELECT suppno FROM suppliers DIFF SELECT suppno FROM quotations
The above query delivers the supplier numbers of those suppliers which do not appear in quotations. In this example the input records on both sides appear sorted on suppno so the sort operations can be suppressed and the query runs as a linear merge scan.
Example 2.38. INTERSECT Operator
SELECT partno FROM inventory INTERSECT SELECT partno FROM quotations
This example delivers the part numbers of inventory which appear in quotations. Here the input records from quotations projected on partno have to be sorted for the INTERSECT operation. (unless there is a secondary index with highest key on partno).
The UNION operator works analogously. For the UNION operator it has to be noted that the sorting operations are only necessary to realize the duplicate elimination which is required by ISO-SQL. In contrast to that the UNION ALL operator does not eliminate duplicates and thus does not sort its input and is very cheap at runtime.
Queries with the NOT IN or NOT EXISTS operator often cause performance problems. Consider the following
Example 2.39. NOT IN Operator
SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE suppno NOT IN (SELECT suppno FROM quotations)
Example 2.40. NOT EXISTS Operator
SELECT * FROM suppliers s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM quotations q WHERE q.suppno = s.suppno)
Except to a very subtle difference with respect to NULL values the 2 queries are equivalent. In fact the optimizer transforms query patterns shown in example NOT IN Operator into equivalent ones shown in example NOT EXISTS Operator and then optimizes the subquery with respect to key access (use s.suppno for key access on quotations).
This query evaluation resembles very much a NL(s,q) strategy and therefore also runs into the NL performance problems which arise if the ''left'' input cardinality (suppliers) is not small or - even worse - if the ''right'' operand cannot be evaluated efficiently. Consider the case if quotations were not indexed on suppno: a total sequential scan of quotations would be necessary for each supplier record!
In such cases it would be much better to merge suppliers and quotations on suppno (possibly after sorting them which however is not necessary in this example) and find the suppliers records on the fly on the merge. This is what the DIFF operator does.
Example 2.41. NOT EXISTS reformulated with DIFF
SELECT suppno FROM suppliers DIFF SELECT suppno FROM quotations
Note, however, that it is up to the user to reformulate the query to a DIFF query if the NOT IN or NOT EXISTS variant runs into trouble. Also note that the DIFF variant does not always run better because it sometimes has to sort its input, but it tends to outperform the NOT IN/NOT EXISTS if the left operand is large.
The GROUP BY clause is evaluated by sorting the input records (coming from the WHERE clause if there is one) on the specified GROUP attributes. As always, the sort operation is suppressed if the records arrive already sorted.
Example 2.42. GROUP BY
SELECT sum ( price * qonorder ) FROM quotations GROUP BY partno
(N0:sel { 1 "column_0" } --#tup: 9 (N1:proj --#tup: 9 (N2:group { [ 1 ] sum[2] } --#tup: 9 (N3:sort { +1 , } --#tup: 16 (N4:proj --#tup: 16 (N5:rel { "quotations" proj 3(2 3 5) } ) --#tup: 16 (N6:build (N7:attr { N4[1] } ) (N8:mul (N9:attr { N4[2] } ) (N10:cast { numeric(10,0) } (N11:attr { N4[3] } ))))))) (N12:build (N13:attr { N1[2] } ))))
Here the quotations records are sorted on partno, then the GROUP operation is done with a linear scan (one result record can be produced whenever the partno value changes). If quotations had a secondary index on partno then it is not used unless the index also contained the 2 other needed fields (price, qonorder). The rule is that a secondary index is not used to fulfill sorting purposes if an additional record materialization were necessary.
Queries with DISTINCT in the SELECT clause are treated similarily. The result records are constructed according to the SELECT clause, then are sorted on all result fields (unless they are already sorted) and then are filtered to eliminate duplicates.
Example 2.43. DISTINCT
(N0:sel { 1 "name" } --#tup: 7 (N1:uniq { } --#tup: 7 (N2:sort { +1 , } --#tup: 7 (N3:rel { "suppliers" proj 1(2) } --#tup: 7 ))))
If suppliers had a secondary index on name, it would be used to save the required sorting on name otherwise the base records of suppliers would be projected on name, then sorted, then filtered.
Queries with the DISTINCT clause inside a set function are treated differently:
Example 2.44. DISTINCT and Set Functions
(N0:sel { 3 "column_0" "column_1" "column_2" } --#tup: 1 (N1:proj --#tup: 1 (N2:group { count[distinct 1] count[distinct 2] count[*] } --#tup: 1 (N3:rel { "suppliers" proj 2(3 2) } --#tup: 7 )) (N4:build (N5:attr { N1[3] } ) (N6:attr { N1[2] } ) (N7:attr { N1[1] } ))))
The evaluation technique here is not sorting because the required sort orders can contradict as in the above example. Instead, all occurring values of name and address are inserted on the fly into appropriate data structures to recognize duplicates.
INSERT queries with the VALUES clause show no optimization potential, except for subqueries in the VALUES clause. Like any other subqueries, they are optimized at their own as discussed.
INSERT queries specified with a SELECT query are optimized such that the records resulting from the SELECT block are sorted on the primary key positions of the target table. Thus it is assured that each page of the target B-Tree must be fetched at most once. The sorting is suppressed if the records to be inserted arrive already sorted from the SELECT clause.
DELETE queries without a WHERE clause (i.e. deletion of all records in a table) presently are not optimized and thus run slowly. It is preferrable to replace this query by a sequence of DROP TABLE .. and CREATE TABLE .. which runs very fast and with very few recovery space overhead.
DELETE queries with a WHERE clause are optimized like SELECT * queries with an analogous WHERE clause. This means that key accesses on primary or secondary indexes as well as the discussed optimizations in IN or EXISTS predicates are performed.
Similar to the DELETE queries, UPDATE queries which have a WHERE clause are optimized like analogous SELECT queries as far as the WHERE clause is concerned. For the maintenance of secondary indexes the optimizer takes care that only updated fields give rise to index maintenance.
Additionally, the optimizer checks whether any key value of the primary index is updated. If so, the update procedure must be run in 2 phases - namely a deletion phase followed by a insertion phase of the updated records. Consider for example an update query which adds the value 1000 to each suppno in suppliers. A single pass update by a sequential scan would move each supplier record forward and the sequential scan would see the updated record once more and would need a update flag to recognize that the record has already been updated. To run these (seldom) cases correctly a 2 phase procedure is done.
The effect is that updates of key values run more slowly than updates of non-key values only.
In rare but sometimes very important cases, the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query has subqueries with references to the target table. This is called a self referencing modification queries and is allowed in Transbase SQL.
Example 2.45. UPDATE
UPDATE quotations q1 SET price = price * 0.9 WHERE price = (SELECT max (price) FROM quotations q2 WHERE q2.partno = q1.partno)
All self-referencing modification queries are run in a 2 phase procedure to avoid the influence of updated values on the retrieval semantics. The (unavoidable) effect is that self-referencing modification queries typically run more slowly than non self-referencing queries.
The statements for spooling data from tables or from queries into files
(SPOOL INTO <file> SELECT ..) are optimized like the SELECT queries that they contain.
The SPOOL statement for spooling data from file into a table
(SPOOL <table> FROM <file>) deserves some additional discussion. Let us first assume that no secondary index exists on the target table. If the records in the file are sorted on the primary key positions of the target table then the performance in general is quite high. If, additionally, the target table is empty then maximal performance is achieved.
On the other hand, if the records are not sorted on the primary keys then the spool procedure first inserts all records (records) which arrive in sort order, i.e. all records which contradict the sort order (i.e. which are not greater than the last inserted one) are temporarily stored in a auxiliary file. In the second phase the records in the auxiliary file are sorted and, in the third phase, are inserted in the target table.
If few records are out of sort order this procedure is almost as fast as if all were sorted. If very many records are out of sort order this procedure is by far superior to insertion on-the-fly because the latter would possibly fetch the data pages more than once. The worst case would cause several I/Os for each record.
However, sorting requires some additional disk space. For extreme large unsorted spoolfiles, it may be advantageous to split the input into several pieces and to spool them piecewise.
If secondary indexes exist, then 2 cases have to be distinguished. The advantageous case is that the target table is empty. In this case the secondary indexes are built after all records have been spooled into the primary index of the table. In other words, if the target table is empty then it makes no difference whether a SPOOL statement is followed by CREATE INDEX statements or the secondary indexes already exist when the SPOOL statement is processed.
If the target table is not empty then secondary indexes slow down the SPOOL statement. The reason is that the secondary index records are inserted on-the-fly and not with a store and sort and insert procedure. This is analogous to the INSERT statement. If large spool files have to be processed on non-empty tables, it may be advantageous to drop the secondary indexes first and to recreate them after the spool procedure is finished.
Transbase® is capable to process queries in parallel, i.e. several threads may work simultaneously to process the query.
Multithreading is configurable (i.e. can be activated or diabled) as a database configuration parameter as well as at session time for each session separately (provided that it has been enabled at database level).
If multithreading is enabled at database level, then all queries are automatically checked by the query optimizer on the potential for multithreading. Typically multithreading increases the performance if large sets of tuples must be processed for computing the query result. In this case the optimizer arranges multithreading at runtime.
Additionally the application can switch multithreading OFF and ON again if certain queries don't perform as desired when using the optimizer's decision. This is handled by an appropriate ALTER SESSION statement.
The sample database used in most of the examples:
Table A.1. suppliers
suppno | name | address |
Table A.2. Table: inventory
partno | description | qonhand |
207 | GEAR | 75 |
209 | CAM | 50 |
221 | BOLT | 650 |
222 | BOLT | 1250 |
231 | NUT | 700 |
232 | NUT | 1100 |
241 | WASHER | 6000 |
285 | WHEEL | 350 |
295 | BELT | 85 |
Table A.3. Table: quotations
suppno | partno | price | delivery_time | qonorder |
51 | 221 | .30 | 10 | 50 |
51 | 231 | 0.10 | 10 | 0 |
53 | 222 | 0.25 | 15 | 0 |
53 | 232 | 0.10 | 15 | 200 |
53 | 241 | 0.08 | 15 | 0 |
54 | 209 | 18.00 | 21 | 0 |
54 | 221 | 0.10 | 30 | 150 |
54 | 231 | 0.04 | 30 | 200 |
54 | 241 | 0.02 | 30 | 200 |
57 | 285 | 21.00 | 4 | 0 |
57 | 295 | 8.50 | 21 | 24 |
61 | 221 | 0.20 | 21 | 0 |
61 | 222 | 0.20 | 21 | 200 |
61 | 241 | 0.05 | 21 | 0 |
64 | 207 | 29.00 | 14 | 20 |
64 | 209 | 19.50 | 7 | 7 |
The schema is defined by the following statements:
CREATE TABLE suppliers ( suppno INTEGER, name CHAR(*), address CHAR(*)) KEY IS suppno; CREATE TABLE inventory ( partno INTEGER, description CHAR(*), qonhand INTEGER) KEY IS partno; CREATE TABLE quotations ( suppno INTEGER, partno INTEGER, price NUMERIC(8,2), deliv_time INTEGER, qonorder INTEGER) KEY IS suppno, partno; CREATE INDEX quot_qon_price ON quotations(qonorder, price) CREATE INDEX quot_suppno ON quotations(partno).